Even with the Lock down Troop 72 still managed to put together its Leadership Training held twice a year. However, this time there were two big changes, the first change was that the planning was conducted on Zoom and the second change was that the training was totally scout led. That means scouts planned every piece of the training and taught almost every part of the training. The Introduction to Youth Leadership Skills or ILST is the base BSA leadership training. At Troop 72 we believe that this training is one of the most important things that we do each year because the BSA is a youth led organization, so without this training our troop would not be nearly as strong as it is today, but the training is not just for Troop leaders. We try and get every scout we can to participate in our training because we think it is never to early to begin preparing for a leadership role. Having our scouts lead the training was amazing because it allowed the older scouts who have done the training 6 or 7 times to be more engaged as now they had to teach what they had learned to other scouts. The primary focus of the training was to help each scout become a better leader, better planner, better meeting runner and to improve the communication and teamwork of our Troop. Now we have turned our attention to our next Leadership training that will be held on a to be determined date in November.
This website is run by the Scouts of Troop 72
If you have any questions about Troop 72, you can Email us at bouldertroop72@gmail.com
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