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Klondike 2023

Writer's picture: bouldertroop72bouldertroop72

Troop 72 participated in the Klondike Derby in February this year. Klondike is a yearly competition where different troops push their snow sleds with gear to different "cities" or stations with activities. Some examples of activities are shelter building, first aid, orienteering and more. Each troop is graded on each station and whichever troop scores the highest at the end of the competition wins. There are 3 divisions that are separated by the average age of scout in the patrol. The troop 72 Bear patrol competed in division 3 and the Lincolns competed in division 1. The Lincoln patrol was made up of mostly newer scouts, and they did very well for their first time at Klondike. There were no other troops with patrols young enough to be in division 3 so the Lincolns won their division! The Bear patrol had a mix of older and younger scouts. They progressed through the stations pretty fast and did relatively well on the skill stations and managed to place 3rd. Overall the experience was very fun for both patrols and was a good introduction to Klondike and winter camping for newer scouts. Hopefully next year both patrols will be able to finish in first place!

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